Eric Sandvig:
Term Expires:
Eric lives in Bellingham, WA. He started fishing at age 10 gill-netting Puget Sound with his dad and did that every summer until he was 16, when he started running the boat himself part of the summer and fall. He then went to SE Alaska Seining in the summers of 86 and 87 and In 88 he began trawling in the Bering Sea; as well as fishing Bristol bay in the summers on his time off. He enjoyed that so he kept it up thru 96. Eric stuck with trawling in Alaska until 2002 and fished hake in the summers off of Oregon & Washington thru 2007. Back In 2000 though he decided to try to get out of fishing Alaska in the winters. He then bought into the Puget Sound Crab Fishery and has had a great time working hard and building his business to this day. In 2009 he bought into Bristol bay gill netting and is still fishing Sockeye Salmon as well. This worked well with the Puget Sound gill-netting he enjoyed doing as a family every summer. Eric explains his biggest hope is there will be solid fisheries in Washington and Alaska to hand down to his 12 year old son when he is old enough.
F/V Erika Dawn: Built by Buffalo Boatworks 1978, LOA 28'